Make Significant Strides Towards Diminishing the Security Debt in the Software Development Lifecycle
Early Security Integration
The realm of software delivery has seen a monumental shift with the embrace of DevSecOps, a culture that binds development, security, and operations into a unified force. As we continue our expedition into the essence of DevSecOps, we now cast our gaze towards a crucial pillar — Early Security Integration. This facet underscores the integration of security practices right from the inception of a project, setting a solid foundation for a secure, robust software delivery lifecycle.
Incorporating Security from Inception
In conventional models, security assessments often come in the later stages of development, sometimes leading to significant rework or unveiling grave vulnerabilities when it’s too late or too costly to fix. Early security integration advocates for a shift-left approach, bringing security considerations to the forefront from the get-go.
By weaving security threads at the outset, teams can identify and address potential security concerns early, reducing the likelihood of severe vulnerabilities as the project progresses.